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Jeddah (also spelled Jiddah, Jidda, or Jedda; Arabic: جدّة‎ Ǧiddah) is a Saudi Arabian city located on the coast of the Red Sea and is the major urban center of western Saudi Arabia. It is the largest city in Saudi Arabia.

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  • Zahid Residential Compound my homevilla 26, Mary Anne (guest) wrote 3 years ago:
    Hello Lynn Logan - not sure if you will get this but would love to connect with an old neighbor.
  • Zahid Residential Compound my homevilla 26, Mary Anne (guest) wrote 3 years ago:
    would love to connect
  • Boulevard, Layan saad (guest) wrote 3 years ago:
    i love this place
  • PIA Head Office, Jeddah, Malik Shahid (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Sir pk 740 on time
  • PIA Head Office, Jeddah, Ghazi (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Dear Sir, Refund my Ticket PNR# V6DVNN I booked the ticket from a local agent at Rabigh Jeddah Saudi Arabia for 28 Febuary,2019 on PIA but unfortunately the flight was cancelled due to Pak India situation. Now I already book another flight for my family by another airline but my ticket from PIA still not refund because as per the status the ticket is hold by PIA airport Control. I request you please release my attached ticket so it should be refund by the local travelling agent. I hope you will help me and hold the good name for PIA as we trust on PIA and always wish to travel by our national airline. I will wait your reply. thanks
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